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Design Thinking Trainings are given to institutions and communities in Istanbul, Izmir and different cities by the founders of POWOPO, who are competent in Systems Development Engineering, Design, Patent and Innovation and who continue their research and applied studies on Neuroscience & Creativity.

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You can send your questions and information requests to our Productive Individual & Productive Community Volunteer Team at our contact address.


Thanks for your interest.


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Interdisciplinary Design Thinking Training                    (With Neuroscience & Ancient Techniques Approach)


Our Design Thinking Training scope which includes the application steps at Stanford d.School and NASA with an interdisciplinary approach is as follows: 

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-Brain, Our Creativity Potential and Potential Polymath

-What does being creative do to our brain?

-Key Concepts in Design Thinking

-Global Approaches in Design and Innovation

-Nature, Design and Creativity

-What if Forrest Gump/Baris Manco was a Design Thinker? (Or if you were Forrest Gump/Baris Manco??)

-Design Thinking Steps and Practices

-Prototype Presentations


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